The Joint Chiefs

Dewey Hall 91 Main Street, Sheffield, MA

Over a smoldering instrumentation that weaves percussive underpinnings with guitar, mandolin, button box accordion, and bass the Joint Chiefs unleash an acrobatic vocal awareness that soars high above it. While in flight the three lead vocalists take turns driving, swooping and diving across a songscape that dovetails their own writing with "chestnuts." Tickets at the […]


Simone White And The Tarik Shah Trio

Dewey Hall 91 Main Street, Sheffield, MA

"Simone White has a voice like ether. It's sweetly airy and hypnotic. Hearing it can pull you under to a strangely beautiful, glittering world where nothing seems real." -NPR Singer and songwriter Simone White joins the Tarik Shaw trio for a night of classic jazz vocal standards.

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