Melissa Brinton

Shaw Pond Club 494 Otis Road, Becket, MA

An afternoon with the beautifully talented, singer/songwriter, Melissa Brinton.


Jack Waldheim

Route 8 Pub 3235 Main St, Becket, MA

Route 8 Pub Winter Music Series


Michael Junkins and Friends

The Lion's Den 30 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA

February Jazz Series, Spirits & Live Music for All, 6:30 - 9:30 PM. Featuring Eric Loffswold on Saxophone


Lindsey Anne

Antimony Brewing 55 Pittsfield Rd, Lenox, MA

No further information available.


Good Vibes Trio w/ Grisha Alexiev

The Lion's Den 30 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA

February Jazz Series, Spirits & Live Music for All, 6:30 - 9:30 PM.


Dan Hamilton

Dalton American Legion 258 North St., Dalton, MA, United States

What is better than LIVE Music? Not much! Head on over to the Dalton American Legion on Thursday and start your weekend fun a little early with Dan!


The Lucky 3

Ostrich Room at Apple Tree Inn 10 Richmond Mountain Road, Lenox, MA

No further information available.



The Lion's Den 30 Main Street, Stockbridge, MA

February Den Sessions, Spirits & Live Music for All, 7 - 10 PM


The Barstools

Route 8 Pub 3235 Main St, Becket, MA

Great Food Great Music Great People


Calliope Cafe

The Stationery Factory 63 Flansburg Ave, Dalton, MA

SEASON 3 7-9pm This is a FREE monthly “open mic” for high school students in Berkshire County to showcase their talents (music, dance, poetry, etc). Curated by Mark Franklin who […]


The Pinkerton Raid

Tourists 915 State Rd, North Adams, MA

The Pinkerton Raid crafts “a fine blend of Beatles-esque dreamy folk,” says AMERICANA HIGHWAYS. It’s all quite beatnik and granola, steeped in STAR WARS, Tolkien, Kerouac and Laurel Canyon. They’ve […]


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