Featured Venues
There are over 170 venues that offer live music in Berkshire County. We work hard to add shows from all these venues to our event calendar, but there are 12 venues that offer live music regularly and, in many cases, all year long. We are committed to staying on top of these venues as they add new shows. If we miss an event or a venue, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Dream Away Lodge, nestled in the hill town of Becket, re-opened under new ownership in March 2023 after being closed for several years due to COVID. Dream Away has a storied music history in The Berkshires, having hosted the likes of Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, and Arlo Guthrie. Dream Away offers live music typically Thursday – Sunday. Come for dinner and a drink and stay to watch the performance in the music room, or from one of the cozy tables just outside the music room on the porch. The don’t have a cover charge, but you can count on being asked to contribute to the tip jar that helps support the musicians.
In downtown Pittsfield, the Colonial Theatre is a majestic London-style theatre originally built in 1903 and then exquisitely restored in 2006. It has amazing acoustics, classic gilded-age architecture, and state-of-the-art technical systems. The Colonial hosts family entertainment, comedy, live music, and more year-round.
The Egremont Barn offers a consistent line-up of high quality live music in The Berkshires. They host shows typically Wednesday – Saturday throughout most of the year – sometimes taking a break for January. The Barn sells tickets in advance on their website, with prices typically ranging from $10 – $30. Popular shows will sell out, particularly in the summer, so buy early. Seating is general admission, so if you want to ensure you get a table, get there early and enjoy a burger, taco, or salad.
The Foundry is “a multi-disciplinary arts venue in the heart of West Stockbridge.” They offer a range of performing arts shows, including theatre, comedy, and live music of all types. Tickets are available on their website with prices typically ranging from $10 – $30. Seating is general admission, but it’s a small venue with about 50 seats, so every seat is great. They serve drinks at their bar.
The Guthrie Center was founded in 1991 by Arlo Guthrie to honor the legacy of his parents, Woody Guthrie and Marjorie Mazia-Guthrie. The Guthrie Center, located at the Old Trinity Church in Great Barrington, brings individuals together for cultural, educational, and spiritual exchange. They offer a wonderful line-up of music performances from late May until the end of September.
The Lion’s Den is nestled below Stockbridge’s Red Lion Inn. Its Den Sessions feature rock, blues, and folk acts Thursday through Saturday nights from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Its Jazz Series is on Sundays from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. There is a $10 cover charge. Since table seating is limited, you’ll want to get there before the show starts to secure a table.
The Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center offers a mix of live performances, film, and cultural events year-round. Built in 1905 and located in downtown Great Barrington, the Mahaiwe is a gorgeous place to see live music, including opera, classical, jazz, and popular music performances.
The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA), in North Adams, is one of the world’s liveliest centers for making and enjoying today’s most evocative art. In addition to their vast galleries, they offer a regular line-up of music performances of all genres. In addition to the many unique and interesting musicians they host, they also run the annual FreshGrass Music Festival in the fall.
Race Brook Lodge is located at the foot of Mount Race in Sheffield. They offer a regular line-up of live music performances across all genres in several venues, including The Stage Coach Tavern, the Barn, the Pine Grove Porch, and downstairs at the Down County Social Club (DCSC), an intimate speakeasy-style room. They book some very unique performers that you won’t hear at other Berkshire venues. They frequently have a jazz brunch on Sundays. Performances in the Tavern typically have a $10 cover charge; tickets for performances in their other venues can be purchased in advance and typically range from $10 – $50.
Tanglewood is the world-renowned home of the Boston Symphony Orchestra during July and August and also offers other classical and popular performances from June – August. Additional performances occur at different times of the year in Tanglewood’s indoor venues, the Tanglewood Linde Center and the Tanglewood Institute. The primary outdoor venue is the Koussevitzky Music Shed, with seating in the shed or on the lawn. The Seiji Ozawa Hall is a smaller covered venue on the main Tanglewood campus, also offering lawn seating.
The Stationery Factory is an events venue located in Dalton, just northeast of Pittsfield. They offer a range of rock, blues, Americana, and cover bands who travel from all over the country to perform. Ticket prices range from $20 – $30 for some of the lesser-known bands, or can be in the $40- $60 range for headline acts. All the seats are great, and they have a bar – or go early and visit Shire Brew House, located just below the event venue.
Williams College, in the northern Berkshire town of Williamstown, offers a large number of music events throughout the year — all are free! They host many classical events, as well as Jazz, Gospel, and other genres. Performances feature visiting artists, faculty, and students.