Jazz Night with Paul Ostermayer and Friends

Tito's Mexican Bar and Grill 34 Depot St, Pittsfield

Liven up your Tuesday evenings with Paul Ostermayer and Friends at Tito's Mexican Bar & Grill!


Generation X Rock

Great Barrington VFW 800 S Main St, Great Barrington

"Sounds of Summer," Tuesday nights from 6-8 pm at the V.F.W. on Main Street in Great Barrington. The concert series is presented by WSBS.


Scott Hirsch + Kelly McFarling

Tourists 915 State Rd, North Adams

You’ve heard SCOTT HIRSCH’s work already even if you didn’t know it. He’s been the magic man behind so many records over the last couple decades-as producer, engineer, and multi-instrumentalist. […]


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