The Delta Swingers’ signature high-energy “Boogie, Blues & Beyond” is a favorite at dance clubs and festivals.
In her award-winning band Erin Harpe & the Delta Swingers, singer/guitarist Erin Harpe blends virtuosic 1930’s style Piedmont blues fingerpicking – picked up from her dad, vintage Stella guitar guru Neil Harpe – with electric boogie guitar, modern dance beats, Chicago style harmonica, and piano, for a sound that would be at home in any vintage speakeasy or juke joint. The Delta Swingers’ signature high-energy “Boogie, Blues & Beyond” is a favorite at dance clubs and festivals, and last summer the band thrilled audiences at the White Mountain Boogie & Blues and the Stafford Springs Blues Festival, Stratton Mountain Blues Fest and many other stops along the way. Erin leads the band on electric guitar, vocals, and the occasional kazoo, backed by her husband Jim Countryman on bass and vocals, drummer “Mean” Shawn Meehan, and multi-instrumentalist Bobby “Mr. Oz” Mroz on harmonica, keyboards and vocals.